I changed the way I calculate the fund to annually it was getting to much work monthly. Based on the end of January this year the fund has risen 37% since January 2013. In the same period the S&P rose 30% so a credible performance in a rising year.
During that time Dell went private so I will reallocate those and maybe alter the mix a bit once 2014 become clearer. I still favor Vodafone as its global reach and takeover potential remain high. Also not show in the funds performance is the very credible dividends from several of these stocks which amount to another 10% in real gain. Tesco will continue to deliver high dividends but maybe not the growth. Carrefour has shown its worth as the stock has regained a lot of ground under the new CEO whose strategy is clearly working. Monitise has doubled and I think will continue to grow, I am looking for a dip to buy more. Dragonwave has languished but has huge potential and I think I see signs of a turnaround. Quik has finally shown it can deliver and the stocks have risen 100% to reflect that. TSEM will eventually get to $10 it will just take time. The company is firing on all cylinders and doing well.
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